1.Tests of Significance: an introduction
One tailed and two tailed tests
Bivariate and Multivariate tests
- Bivariate analysis
Tests to compare proportions
One sample Chi square test
Chi Square test
Mc Nemar Test
Mc Nemar Bowker Test
Cochran’s Q Test
Marginal Homogeneity Test
Tests for comparing means
Parametric Tests
One sample t Test
Independent t Test
Paired t test
One way ANOVA Test
Repeated measures ANOVA test
         Non Parametric tests
One sample Wilcoxon Test
Mann Whitney Test
Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test
Kruskal Wallis Test
Repeated measures ANOVA
Friedman’s test
Tests for correlation
Pearson’s correlation test
Spearman’s correlation test
- Assumptions of different tests of significance
4.Presentation of results in the form of tables for different statistical tests