Presentation of results in the form of tables for different statistical tests
- One sample Chi square test
- Chi Square test
- Mc Nemar Test
- Mc Nemar Bowker Test
- Cochran’s Q Test
- Marginal Homogeneity Test
- One sample t Test
- Independent t Test
- Paired t test
- Mann Whitney Test
- Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test
- One way ANOVA Test
- Repeated measures ANOVA test
- Kruskal Wallis Test
- Friedman’s test
- Pearson’s correlation test
- Spearman’s correlation test
- Simple Linear Regression
- Multiple Linear Regression
- Binomial Logistic Regression
- Multinomial Logistic Regression
- Two way ANOVA
- One way ANCOVA
- Two way ANCOVA
- Two way Repeated measures ANOVA
- One way Repeated Measures ANCOVA
- Two way Repeated Measures ANCOVA